Buying or selling property

As buyer or seller, owner or project developer, you need information about your property that could be of the essence for your or your buyer's purchase decision or for the suitability of the property for development.

  • Property information

What are the requirements under planning law (development plan)? What type and extent of construction is permissible under planning law? What are the dimensions of the property? What topographical factors (buildings, protected tree stock, heights) are relevant to planning? Are there alignments or building restriction lines to comply with? Are there special conditions regarding height of construction in relation to the eaves heights of adjacent buildings? Are there public-law restrictions (easements)? Have any private-law encumbrances or other restrictions been entered in the land register? Our job on your behalf is to carefully research all data sources regarding the property and to present our results to you in a form which is relevant to your needs. As public surveyors, we have access to all registers.

  • Property partitions

We will be glad to provide advice on the possibility of partitioning a property. We can draw up draft partitions to serve as basis for purchase negotiations or for notarized purchase agreements.

  • Fair value appraisals

We prepare fair value appraisals in order to determine the value of a building or a property.